Port 123: Network Time Protocol (NTP). NTP allows computer clocks to sync with each other, a process that is essential for encryption. Port 179: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). BGP is essential for establishing efficient routes between the large networks that make up the Internet (these large...
A personal area network is a collection of networked devices that does not have a centralized network system. These networks are often created using a mobile computing device such as a cellphone or laptop computer. The actual method used to connect the devices is not important, so it is just...
a network adapter, also known as a network interface card (nic), is a component that allows your pc to connect to a network, such as ethernet or wifi. if your pc doesn't have built-in wifi or ethernet connectivity, or if you need to upgrade your existing network capabilities, a ...
Port 123: Network Time Protocol (NTP). NTP allows computer clocks to sync with each other, a process that is essential for encryption. Port 179: Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). BGP is essential for establishing efficient routes between the large networks that make up the Internet (these large...
A personal area network (PAN) refers to the interconnection of information technology devices or gadgets within the environment of an individual user (typically within 10 meters or 33 feed). Advertisements These interconnected devices might include laptop computers, PDAs, cellphones, printers, PCs ...
Home>Glossary> What is a computer network? Learn More What is a computer network? A computer network is a system of connected devices that are able to communicate with each other and share resources. It allows computers to collaborate, transfer data, and access shared information - such as fi...
Besides connecting to peripheral devices, you can also use personal area networks to exchange files. When setting up a personal hotspot, a PAN is also used fortethering. Additionally, PAN networks are used in theInternet of Things, enabling communication between devices and components. Here, compon...
Typically, computer networks are defined by geographical area. A local area network (LAN) connects computers in a defined physical space, while awide area network(WAN) can connect computers across continents. However, networks are also defined by the protocols they use to communicate, the physical...
A wireless personal area network (WPAN) is a type of personal network that uses wireless communication technologies to communicate and transfer data between the user’s connected devices. It allows an individual to connect all or most of his or her devices together and access the Internet or a...
What is a wireless personal area network? A wireless PAN (WPAN) is designed to serve a single person, SOHO or small workgroup. As such, limited distance,throughput, peripheral sharing and low volume are some of the main characteristics of this type of network. ...