Salzmann's nodular degeneration SND isa slowly progressive condition in which gray-white to bluish nodulesmeasuring 1-3 mm are seen anterior to Bowman's layer of the cornea, usually bilaterally,,. These elevated nodules can be located near the limbus or in the mid-peripheral cornea. What is c...
What is the difference between polyneuritis (peripheral neuritis) and Guillain-Barr syndrome?Neurological Disorders:Neurological disorders are medically described as impacting the brain, nerves found all over the human body, and the spinal cord. Examples of symptoms include loss of s...
PPSPeripheral Pulmonary Stenosis PPSPubliek Privaat Samenwerkingsverband(Dutch: Public Private Partnership) PPSPerformance Presentation Standards(investing) PPSPolska Partia Socjalistyczna(Polish Socialist Party 1892-1937) PPSPhiladelphia Prison System