Periodontitis– if left untreated, gingivitis can develop into this more serious condition which can cause irreversible damage. Periodontal disease starts when plaque and bacteria accumulate on the teeth of dogs and cats. Over time, if they are not removed, disease-causing bacteria start to attach ...
Only the superficial layer of the gum is involved ingingivitiswhile inperiodontitisthe deeper layers of the gums may be pulled back from the tooth to form pockets. Gingivitisis usually a reversible form of gum disease whileperiodontitismay cause irreversible bone and tissue damage. The tooth remain...
[It needs to be clear from this section that gingivitis is an early form of gum disease that can lead to periodontitis, a serious form gum disease, if left untreated] However, if plaque and food debris are not removed and oral hygiene practices are not maintained, then gingivitis will get...
It is a chronic, long-term condition that should be addressed with the help of a dental professional. The difference between Gum Disease, Gingivitis and Periodontitis There may be some confusion with the medical terminology surrounding gum disease, but it’s fairly simple. Gum disease is the ...
If the first stage of periodontal disease, gingivitis, is left untreated, it will lead to full periodontitis. Bywesley91— On Jul 27, 2010 What kind of periodontal gum disease treatment can I do at home? WiseGeek, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. ...
Your gums play an important role in your oral health. Learn more about what causes periodontitis in order to keep your teeth healthy and happy. Click here.
The early form of gum disease is calledgingivitis. You can control this condition with treatment, by keeping your mouth and teeth clean, and seeing the dentist regularly. However, more advanced gum disease -- orperiodontitis-- may require more extensive treatment. That’s when you need to see...
@lighth0se33 – I would go see one if I were you. Once my gums started to recede, I developed pockets around my teeth, and my periodontist had to fix them for me. The problem with the pockets is that bacteria gets in them and makes the gum recession worse. The periodontist will pul...
Chapter 8What is the Significance Between Systemic Disease and Periodontitis?Periodontal diseases can be defined as chronic infectious diseases, resulting in chronic inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth which may lead to progressive connective tissue attachment and bone loss. Their onset ...
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