Where in our universe, magic is illusions. In theirs, magic is pure magic with dragons, warlocks and such. Fantasy and magic would likely inhabit another universe because that universe would have to obey the rules of physics. Whilst magic breaks the rules of physics, Orcs, Goblins, Elves cou...
lecture/discussion,soitisimportanttotakecarefulnotesduringclass.Additionally,fromtimeto timeIwillassigngroupworktobecompletedin classorshortassignmentsto becompleted at home,bothofwhichwillbegraded. LateWork Anessaynotsubmittedinclassonthedue datewilllosealettergradeforeachclassperiodit islate.Ifitisnotturnedinby...
What is the discrepancy formula in physics? Find value of Stefan's constant in CGS. What's the equation of "the principle of work and energy"? What are the conditions for two collinear forces to be in equilibrium? Which of these is equal to dielectric constant K ? a. \frac{C_{D{C...
A pendulum takes 0.5 seconds to complete one cycle. What is its period and frequency of the pendulum? Consider a 548 \ g ball hanging on a spring with a spring constant equal to 20.9 \ N/m. We pull down on the ball and let it go, so that it oscillates up and down. Find: a)...
What I also did not realize before this meeting is the role that recent advances in pure mathematics – and specifically, the development of the “landscape function” that was a primary focus of this collaboration – played in accelerating this transition. This is not to say that this piece ...
This conjecture asserts that a Kakeya set – a subset of that contains a unit line segment in every direction, must have Minkowski and Hausdorff dimension equal to three. (There is also a stronger “maximal function” version of this conjecture that remains open at present, although the ...
Newton's third law states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Just as gravity causes you to exert a force on the ground, the ground appears to exert an equal and opposite force on your feet. When you are in an accelerating car, the seat exerts a forward...
If an object executes 10 oscillations per second, then its frequency in kilohertz is equal to A1.1 B2.10 C0.01 D0.1Submit If an object executes 10 oscillations per second, then its frequency in kilohertz is equal to: AA)1 BB)0.01 CC)0.1 DD)10Submit An object oscillates 50 times in on...
Note that the change in an object's position is not always equal to the distance it's traveled. That might sound counterintuitive, but bear with us. Run one lap in a perfect 8-foot (2.4-meter) circle and you will have covered a distance of 8 feet. However, you will also have circle...
Intensity corresponds to brightness and is measured as the rate at which light energy is delivered to a unit surface or energy per unit time, per unit area. Note that the greater the brightness, the greater the intensity of light.Answe...