“At the beginning of her performance, Claire was doing perfectly fine." "when she got to the chorus(), for some reason" 转折关系,故选B "Not knowing what to do, Claire just passed over that line completely.” ,她直接跨 句歌词,这是一个错误,故选B "Claire's mother comforted her ......
Maybe it is not that bad to 9 ." Back home, she put up the medal(奖牌) on the wall in her room. It would 10 her how mistakes could help her to learn and improve. B 1. A. quickly B. perfectly C. patiently C 2. A. excited B. bored C. upset( A 3. A. take part in B...
我和小夏一样I am perfectly fine being alone. Alone is what I have. Alone protects me. 尼古拉 特斯拉也是这样的 发布于 2025-03-02 09:30・IP 属地四川 赞同 分享收藏 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 更专业的大咖答...
This is perfectly fine to do, as long as you understand that the relationship will never go any further and you are ok with that. You can accept it for what it is. However, if your thoughts about this person feel like they're becoming overwhelming or you're feeling increasingly more in...
So, if you want to explore a setting, character, or plot point but aren’t sure which themes to examine yet, that’s perfectly fine. Write your story how you want to, and see where the narrative takes you. It can be helpful to keep the idea of a theme at the forefront of your ...
Not only did she spend long time choosing a _7_, she also put in a lot of effort to sing each note correctly.At the beginning of her performance, Claire was doing perfectly fine. _8, when she got to the chorus(副歌), for some reason, she could not 9 a whole line of the ...
"At the beginning of her per- formance, Claire was doing perfectly fine"与“when she got to the chorus(副歌), for some reason”是转折关系,故选 B。 7. A line 歌 ; text文 ; word单 ; page。 根据“for some reason, she could not…a whole line of the lyrics”可知,不记得这句歌词...
If the offer doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s perfectly fine to say no and walk away. While knowing your worth is empowering, you’ll want to communicate your decision respectfully. Here’s what you could say: “I really appreciate the offer. But unfortunately, it doesn’t align wit...
I bought a pair of Pie Tops II and successfully ordered pizzas. It’s really cool and easy. Here’s something I did not expect when first wearing a pair of Pie Tops II: They are comfortable. Walking around in Pie Tops is perfectly fine. ...
Halperin says it is "perfectly fine" to obtain clinical experience for medical school in a way that does not involve shadowing. Premeds should shadow a physician only if they think that would be a satisfying way to learn about the medical profession, ...