What did Pentecost mean in the Old Testament? The Old Testament: The Old Testament is part of the Bible, the sacred text of Christianity. Although the Bible is considered to contain the divinely-inspired words of God, the Old Testament was not written by Christians. In fact, the Old Testa...
What is God called in the Old Testament? What is Pentecost called in the Old Testament? What is the book of prophecy in the New Testament? What is the fifth book of the Old Testament? What is the last word in the New Testament?
What is Pentecost? Why Does It Matter? What is the Meaning and Spiritual Significance of Pentecost? How can Pentecost make a difference in your
In the Bible, adead man was put inthe grave of Elisha, and when the man's corpse touched the dead bones of Elisha, he was revived. This was interpreted to mean that the same power, or anointing, laid in the graves of later revivalists, and thus the students sought it by laying on ...
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And ...
PENTECOST SUNDAY is the day which commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first disciples of Jesus. It recalls the founding of the Christian Church . To most of us, however, this day is a matter of in difference. We do .not look forward to it . with the anticipation which ...
The Roman Catholic Church traces its beginning back to the original church which was established at Pentecost in AD 301. However, the official beginning of the Roman Catholic church occurred in 590 CE, with Pope Gregory I. This time marked the consolidation of lands controlled by authority of ...
In answering this question, we may first want to ask, “What is ‘spirit’”? In any good dictionary, you will find several distinct but related definitions. It is important to recognize that in the Bible, too, you will find the word “spirit” used in different senses. Common dictionary...
Even those who are considered the original 12 seemed to gain fervor and confidence in their roles as apostles after the Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came alive in them. What Is an Apostle Today? Apostles, as defined and explained above, do still exist and are still called by God to ...
What Does the Bible Say About Being Saved? by Mark Roberts It is difficult to imagine a more important question than the one that forms the title of this article. While concerns in this life dominate most people's attention we ought to be more concerned about the life to come. Are we ...