A pension is a pot of money that you save up over time for your retirement. The aim is that over the long term your pension pot will grow sufficiently to support you financially when you retire. With a pension, your money is usually invested in the stock market through pension funds. Th...
If you’re getting Pension Credit, it will go up by 4.1% in April 2025. That’s in line with the State Pension rise, which also happens then and is also 4.1%. If you’re not sure whether you qualify for Pension Credit, it’s worth checking online or over the phone, even if you ...
This is part of our monthly pension update series. Catch up on last month’s summary here:What happened to pensions in March 2022? It’s been an unexpected year and this has been reflected in the performance of the stock markets as they’ve responded to uncertainty and change.March gave u...
and Washington Mutual have surpassed it). The Enron scandal drew attention to accounting and corporate fraud. Its shareholders lost tens of billions of dollars in the years leading up to its bankruptcy, and its employees lost billions more in pension benefits. To help prevent corporate scandals of...
Households were dealt a blow on Tuesday when predictions for the energy price cap changed, with a major forecaster expecting it to rise instead of fall. In its latest forecast, Cornwall Insight said the cap will rise by £24 to £1,761.61 in April, given "continued uncer...
Financial repression occurs when governments implement policies to channel to themselves funds that in a deregulated market environment would go elsewhere. Policies include directed lending to the government by captive domestic audiences (such as pension funds or domestic banks), explicit or implicit caps...
The 1.7% CPI rate is the first time it’s been below the Bank of England’s 2% target since April 2021. Price decreases in the transport category, driven by air fares and motor fuels, significantly contributed to the drop in the annual rate. Annual transport prices fell by 2.4%, compared...
If you’re wondering, ‘What happens if I don’t file taxes?’ it’s important to note that failing to file can result in various penalties. The exact deadline date for filing taxes changes slightly every year, but in the United States it is typically in mid-April. In 2019 and 2020,...
Explore the different types of online and offline scams to keep yourself and your business safe. Learn about how they work and what to look for.
When you borrow money, there are several reasons the lender may not want to give it to you for free. For one thing, the same amount today will probably be worth less in the future, since prices are likely to rise due toinflation. The lender could be earning a return on the money by...