Peer-reviewed articles are considered a highly credible source due to the stringent process they go through before publication.There are various types of peer review. The main difference between them is to what extent the authors, reviewers, and editors know each other’s identities. The most ...
(medical in the case of the MD) which is published in peer-reviewed journals. This makes them very similar to PhDs, and some countries consider them equivalent. Some institutions therefore offer combined professional and research training degrees, such as the MD-PhD dual program, which is ...
Before Bender became one of the chief antagonists of AI’s boosters, she made her mark on the AI world as a coauthor on two influential papers. (Both peer-reviewed, she likes to point out—unlike the Sparks paper and many of the others that get much of the attention.) The first, wri...
Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment services allow users to send money to another person’s bank account through a third-party website or mobile app. If you’ve ever needed to pay someone back for a coffee or split a meal, you might have heard of popular platforms like Venmo, Zelle or Cash ...
To understand peer review, one must understand theeditorial decision-making at journals. Peer reviewers do not decide whether to accept or reject papers; they can only recommend a decision. At peer-reviewed journals, decision-making authority rests solely with journal editors or the journal’s edi...
mental well-being and reduce motivation. Employers can turn this feeling around by promotingteam-building activitiessuch as online games, virtual coffee breaks, and virtual collaboration. Also helpful is implementing peer recognition programs that allow employees to acknowledge each other’s contributions....
Research:Have I used credible, up-to-date, and reliable sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journals, books, scholarly articles)? Thesis Statement:Is my thesis clear, arguable, and well-supported by the evidence in my paper? Introduction:Does my introduction provide sufficient background and clearly ...
The peer-to-peer network topology is based on this concept of peers. Devices in a network are connected together to communicate and share resources. These connected nodes share the same functions and responsibilities. 5. Conclusions In this article, we’ve reviewed peers in a computer network. ...
Is peer-to-peer lending safe? As far as security goes, peer-to-peer platforms safeguard your personal and financial information just as a traditional bank or online lender would. However, they aren’t exactly traditional banks or online lenders, which can lead to apprehension about borrowing fro...
Although open peer review is becoming more common, and addresses several of the issues of anonymous review, a few challenges still remain. A study in the early days of open review suggested that naming refereesslightly reduced the likelihood of finding reviewersbut did not affect the quality of ...