The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance helps secure credit card transactions. Discover how to become PCI DSS compliant and maintain the status.
What is PCI compliance? PCI DSS compliance is the process of adhering to certain security standards to protect customer information and mitigate the risk of fraud and data breaches. These PCI compliance standards help businesses safely handle credit card transactions and keep financial information secure...
PCI compliance is enforced by the credit card brands responsible for payment processing. When a merchant (e.g., someone who accepts payment cards as a payment method for goods and services) makes a certain number of payment card transactions per year, they are required to complete a full PCI...
PCI Compliance: What Is It and Everything Retailers Need to Know Does your business accept credit card payments? If so, it must be Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant. Find out what PCI compliance is and why it’s important.On this page What is PCI compliance? Who must be PCI complian...
The PCI SSC isn’t a governmental regulative body. However, it may take punitive actions if a company fails to comply with its standards. The primary consequence of compliance failure is a monetary fine. Penalty fees for noncompliance can include legal fees, banking fines (for every card stole...
What Is PCI Compliance? The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) applies to any company storing processing, or transmitting credit card data. It facilitates the comprehensive adoption of consistent data security measures. Web companies must follow the requirements of the PCI DSS, ...
What is PCI Compliance?Cisco Compliance Solutions
What Is PCI Compliance? Payment Card Industry-Data Security StandardPCI DSS Compliance rules are a set of standardized measures that were created by major credit card companies to protect customers’ card numbers and personal information. These rules apply to any business that accepts debit or credit...
Although not officially established until 2004, the history of PCI DSS' compliance framework began in the 1990s. What is the purpose of PCI DSS? The primary goal of PCI DSS is to safeguard and optimize the security of sensitive cardholder data, such as credit card numbers, expiration dates an...
If a data center is out of compliance, the credit card companies themselves will issue the penalties. This is because they make the levels, as well as PCI DSS is not a legal or governmental regulation. These companies can, however, levy fines, deny service to the data center, and take ...