is what to do with villains in competition, and especially inMagic. I assure you that there is no shortage of people who would love to see cheaters given a lifetime ban from the DCI. Very few people earn themselves such infamy. It is normally reserved for people who commit much more hei...
For example I have foil and nonfoil cave of temptations in a pauper deck (waiting for the last foil one) and I have to look very closely at the cards and angle them in the light to even tell which is which (at least when they are sleeved). The foil weather the storm I have is ...
mostly be eliminating Pauper and Momir events. They also cut the Daily events from a cap of 256 players down to 128. Premier events were actually made more numerous but also had their enrollment capped at 128 players. So,
in short, outraged most of the community. Speculation is often met with very negative response. To be fair, there’s no reason to think Bitterblossom will suddenly dominate the format in a way that makes it worth almost as much asTarmogoyfand...