If taken literally, a pathetic fallacy would be a reasoning error, but this is not how they are used. Pathetic fallacy and scienceFor example, the phrase “nature abhors a vacuum” is a figure of speech that helps us to better understand that unfilled spaces are unnatural as they go agains...
What We Talk About When We Talk About the Weathera quick search at AmazonOf the Pathetic Fallacypromotional blurbher consideration of the bookWaving Adieu, Adieu, Adieuherelast columnfurther regulateAtheism A Philosophical Justification
The boomers know the outcome is government economic collapse and it is unavoidable. After all, it’s all about them. Lastly, their inability to accept they are growing old with their indulgence in plastic surgery, facelifts and erectile drugs makes them a pathetic lot which seems like they ar...