Whether or not you mean to do it, being a permissive parent isn't a character flaw. (In fact, it might have to do with your upbringing – one of the biggest influences on your parenting style is how you yourself were raised!)
Resilience in Families in Transition: What Happens When a Parent Is Transgender?doi:10.1111/fare.12282Myrte DierckxDimitri MortelmansJoz Motmans
Mellick says this approach creates a strong parent-child bond based on trust and safety. She explains, "For children, gentle parenting helps develop emotional regulation skills and build resilience. It provides a safe environment for them to explore their feelings, which can lead to forming ...
Being a mindful parent might seem like a high bar, given the everyday family stress we likely encounter on a daily basis. Obviously, the idea of going through a full day thinking that we're going to be permanently mindful is beautiful, yet fanciful. The key to mindful parenting is breakin...
As a parent, you're going to makemistakes. It's bound to happen. Still, how youtalk to your kids, andhow you behavearound them, can affect theirconfidence and mental strength— which go a long way in determining their future success, experts say. And there are a few mistakes all ...
You rarely know where your child is or who they're with. You don't spend much time with your child. You don't have many rules and expectations. If those statements sound familiar, you might be an uninvolved or neglectful parent. Essentially, neglectful parents ignore their children, who re...
Claire Lerner, LCSW of Lerner Child Development and Rebecca Parlakian of Zero To Three, say that positive parenting strategies are founded on 9 skills, which they shared in their course,Positive Parenting Strategies to Address Behavioral Concerns, Promote Resilienceas part of the AAP’s 2020 Nation...
C. parent-monitored activities are a must D. children are not independent enough 3. According to the author, free play can ___. A. promote children’s resilience B. strengthen children’s friendship C. reduce children’s risky behavior D. develop children’s leadership skills 4. Which...
“Parenting is hard,” says Sabol. “There’s no such thing as a perfect parent.” More on parenting: 10 essential tips for parents to raise successful, confident kids Failure is actually good for kids. How you can foster their resilience Want to raise happy kids? Do these 4 things, a...
Gentle parenting is a powerful approach that goes beyond the traditional parent-child dynamic. Its numerous benefits make it a valuable tool for raising confident, empathetic, and well-adjusted children. Pros and cons of gentle parenting While gentle parenting offers numerous advantages, like any appr...