The outstanding balance on a credit card is the total amount owed at the time that you check your account. It is the total of purchases, cash advances, balance transfers, issuer fees and interest that have posted to the account. Also known as the current balance, it is a living number...
An outstanding balance on a credit card is the amount of money you owe the minute you check your account. This amount includes all charges on your account you have not paid for, including recent purchases you may have just made. Your credit card’s outstanding balance can also include any...
What is an outstanding balance on a credit card? And when is this figure different from your statement balance? The terms “outstanding balance” and “statement balance” are often used in place of one another, but they’re not the same. Read on to find out what these credit card terms...
An outstanding balance is the amount you owe on any debt that charges interest, like a credit card. Most often, it refers to the amount you owe from purchases and other transactions made with your credit card. It's also call...
Outstanding Balance Due The term "outstanding balance due" is closely related to the concept of outstanding balance. Both terms refer to the total amount owed, but in different contexts. Normally, the only amount due each month on a credit card isthe minimum payment. The rest of your outstand...
You can only spend your available balance in this case, or less if you have outstanding checks. The rest of the money is being held by your bank. This generally happens for two reasons, resulting in a low available balance: You've made deposits that haven't cleared and been credited ...
About 30% of your score is influenced by how much of your available credit card balances you’re using. For example, if you have a credit line of $2,000 and you have a balance of $500, your credit utilization is 25%. It’s best to pay off your credit cards each month. Once you...
Your credit card balance is the sum of your posted activity. This includes purchases, payments, balance transfers, cash advances, interest, and fees. If you had an unpaid (or outstanding) balance from the previous month, your current balance adds new activity to the outstanding balance. Your...
A debit balance is the amount owed by an investor to a broker. As long as a debit balance exists in a margin account, the investor...
What Is an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)? The term adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) refers to a home loan with avariable interest rate. With an ARM, the initial interest rate is fixed for a period of time. After that, the interest rate applied on the outstanding balance resets periodically...