What is Unossified bone? (ʌnˈɒsɪˌfaɪd)adj.free of bone(s)lacking a bony structure. What are unbranded products? unbranded productsdo not have a brand name and do not legally belong to a particular company, so any company can manufacture them: Sales of the supermarket's ...
Of course, I already knew ossified meant (figuratively) to turn into something rigid, but I had no idea about the origins of the word. It turns out that os is the Latin word for bone and if something ossifies, it has turned into bone. The term first came into use in the 17th cent...
Scientists think that some big cats can make this sound because they have an incompletely ossified bone in their throat. The purpose of the roar is not clear; it may be a defensive noise to defend their territory. It is more of a continual, single sound than the saw. 3. The Chuff and...
Roaring requires ‘incomplete ossification’ of thehyoid bone. The hyoid bone is a U-shaped bone in the throat that is connected to thelarynx(voice box). ‘Ossification’ is the formation of bone. A big cat’s hyoid bone is not completely ossified and is part tendon. Tendon is more flexi...
What does nasal bone present mean? The presence of well-ossified nasalbone at this stage of gestation is a reassuring feature and helps in reducing the risk of aneuploidies for the fetus while absent or hypoplastic nasal bone is associated with increased risk of fetal aneuploidies. ...
As a person who has very tall relatives, I can tell you that the size of a bone is not always going to be the best indication of the age of the person. I have a nephew who looks about the height of an eight year old, but he's only five at the moment. ...
A recent study at the University of Alabama tested to see how do hormones actually work to promote bone growth. It was known that parathyroid hormone helps the body produce bone. What was important to figure out specifically is, how is bone growth being promoted. ...
Here is an ostrich. I was interviewing undergrads the other day and looked up to see it, then thought something like: “Oh yeah, that little bit of bone really bothers me. I cannot figure it out.” What little bit of bone?Right leg, side view, ostrich…This little bit of bone. ...
In our case, a 5-year-old male patient was referred for bilateral conductive hearing loss (air-bone gap 65 dB, bilateral). Operating findings on the left side included an inferiorly displaced facial nerve over the promontory, a narrow ossified oval window and an absent stapes. A stapedo...
What is the function of Costochondral joint? The costochondral joints are the joints between each rib and its costal cartilage. They are primary cartilaginous joints. These joints representthe demarcation of the unossified and ossified part of the rib1. ...