- Earthworms use nephridia for osmoregulation and excretion. - Periplaneta has Malpighian tubules for similar functions. - Commonality: There is no commonality in excretory structures. 5. Conclusion: - The only common feature between earthworm and Periplaneta is that both have a segmented body. Final...
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CLN3 CLN3438 aa, transmembrane protein,(6 transmembrane domains) Late endosomal/lysosomal membrane Unknown function; postulated to have a role in endocytosis, autophagy, maintenance of vacuolar/lysosomal pH, anterograde/retrograde transport of lysosomal enzyme transporters, osmoregulation, apoptosis and cell...
They have been shown to play a key role in many physiological processes associated with mechanosensory transduction, including osmoregulation in plants, fungi, and bacteria as well as hearing, touch, proprioception, and blood flow regulation in mammalian cells (Martinac 2004; Ranade et al. 2015; ...
Plasma membrane is View Solution Plasma membrane is View Solution Knowledge Check Plasma membrane helps in Aosmoregulation Bprotein synthesis Cnucleic acid synthesis Dtransportation of only water in and out of cellSubmitPlasma membrane controls View Solution The plasma membrane is more permeable to ...