Well, when my family asks me what I do for a living, this is how I describe an oscilloscope. But instead of displaying the signal of a human heart, oscilloscopes show the heartbeat of electronic devices. They give us all kinds of insights into whether or not an electronic device is ...
An oscilloscope is a laboratory instrument commonly used to display and analyze the waveform of electronic signals. In effect, the device draws a graph of the instantaneous signal voltage as a function of time. A typical oscilloscope can display alternating current (AC) or pulsating direct current ...
Basic information about what an oscilloscope is and how the test instruments are used in industrial settings for preventive maintenance and troubleshooting.
Oscilloscope probes are one of the determining factors that determine the accuracy of fast sampled signals. To ensure accuracy during a live measurement of a high-speed signal or high-frequency waveform, a technique known as compensation is often needed. The role of a compensation circuit in an ...
The function of an oscilloscope is to be able to display waveforms on some form of display. In the normal mode of operation time is displayed along the X-axis (horizontal axis) and amplitude is displayed along the Y axis (vertical axis). In this way it is possible to see an electronic...
An oscilloscope, formerly known as an oscillograph (informally scope, oscope, or o-scope), is an instrument that graphically displays electrical signals and shows how those signals change over time. It measures these signals by connecting with a sensor, which is a device that creates an ...
A mixed-domain oscilloscope (MDO) is an oscilloscope that comes with an additional RF input which is used only for FFT-based spectrum analysis. Often, this RF input offers a higher bandwidth than the conventional analog input channels.
What is an Oscilloscope? Discussion Comments Bymiriam98— On Jan 19, 2012 @everetra - At our local community college they teach courses on electrical engineering. Of course you need to have an oscilloscope for some of the lessons. Oscilloscopes can be expensive, especially the real high tech ...
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An oscilloscope comes with at least two connectors. One goes to the ground, while the other is used to "probe" a point on a circuit. The difference in voltage between the two points is what’s being captured. Scopes can be analog or digital, but both work in much the same way. ...