The patella is known as a ___ type of bone. (a) short. (b) long. (c) sesmoid. (d) fixed. (e) flat. Which of the following shoulder ligaments is located between the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus: a. transverse humeral b. coracoacromial c. cor...
What is the radiographic abnormality? What is your differential diagnosis? What additional imaging study (if any) should be performed to make a definitive diagnosis?demonstrates the classic appearance of an os acromiale: an acromial segment (white asterisk, Figure 6) separated from the acromion (...
Os coxae C. Femur D. Sacrum E. Tibia The deltoid tuberosity is found on which of the bones listed below? A) radius B) tibia C) ulna D) humerus What is the name of the lateral condyle on the humerus? In which part of the body is the hyoid bone found? The clavicle articul...
2. Imaging findings of specific interest to surgical decision-making and planning, including presence of os acromiale, presence of a bony Bankart, grading of rotator cuff musculature atrophic change, biceps tendon subluxation, and extra-articular findings. 3. Imaging findings less relevant to ...
How many bones are in the skull? A. 18. B. 22. C. 24. D. 28. E. 19. Which bones make up the brain case? The human head is made up of how many bones? Which bones make up the facial part of the skull? How many bones in the human body and what are the names of the bon...
e) tibial tuberosity. What's the inner and thicker of the two bones in the leg between the knee and ankle? The patella slides in a groove on the femur called the___. Which ligament is not associated with the glenohumeral join...
The humerus: A) is the most distal bone of the upper extremity B) is the longest and largest bone of the upper extremity C) articulates with the lateral end of the clavicle D) is most often fractured at the anatomical neck E) may be recognized by the A...
An immovable joint found only between skull bones is called a: A) suture B) condyle C) cartilaginous joint D) synovial jointWhich joint has no joint cavity?What pulls the fibula and tibia toward the ischial tuberosity of the os coxa? ...