Here's the Markdown for an ordered list: markdown 1.First1.Second1.Third Result: First Second Third Here's the Markdown for an unordered list: markdown -First-Nested-Second-Third First Nested Second Third Build tables You can construct tables using a combination of pipes (|) for column ...
My answer: a list is like an array whilst a dictionary stores key-value pairs. The interviewer asked “is the dictionary ordered”? What? I think he meant, can we trust the sequence when iterating thedictionary? With some doubt, I still said: it is unordered.. because the dictionary in...
Ordered lists:If you are writing an unordered (bulleted) or ordered (numbered) list, they will surely need items in the list! To do this, we use the list tag. The is a child of either the or tags. So a bulleted list of our favorite 90’s sitcoms would look something like...
... creates an ordered list, usually a numbered list by default block-level ... creates an unordered list, usually a bulleted list by default block-level ... creates an interactive button inline-level ... denotes the main content area of the page block-level ... d...
Highlight key points with bullet points (ordered or unordered) so that readers get your message. 6) Add visuals Use relevant images, videos, screenshots, and diagrams. Research by theNielsen Groupsays: Userspay attention to information-carrying imagesthat show content that’s relevant to the task...
Define a partition of to be a finite or infinite multiset of real numbers in the interval (that is, an unordered set of real numbers in , possibly with multiplicity) whose total sum is : . For instance, is a partition of . Such partitions arise naturally when trying to decompose a large...
The paragraph is the most common snippet type. List Snippets List snippets present information in either ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) lists. Ordered lists often detail steps or rankings. Like this: While unordered lists provide collections of related items. ...
(ii) Show that with probability , one has representations of the form with (with treated as an ordered triple, rather than an unordered one). In the case when is something like the truncated von Mangoldt function , the quantity is of size rather than . This costs us a logarithmic factor...
Ordered list Unordered list Indent OutdentAlignment Align left Align center Align right Justify textMore options… SmiliesInsert linkInsert imageMediaQuoteInsert tableInsert horizontal lineMore options… UndoRedoRemove formattingToggle BB codeDrafts Save draft Delete draft Preview Strike-throughText colorFont...
(ordered list): Indicates an ordered (numbered) list. Use it for items that need to be presented in a specific sequence (e.g., steps in a recipe). (unordered list): Defines an unordered (bulleted list). Use it for content that doesn’t require order (e.g., a list of features...