Data Virtualization Query different types of data on different types of data sources from SQL Server.SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Cumulative update 2 now introduces support for Oracle TNS files. For more information and samples, see CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE (Transact-SQL) CONNECTION_OPTIONS.Availabili...
Data Virtualization Query different types of data on different types of data sources from SQL Server.SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Cumulative update 2 now introduces support for Oracle TNS files. For more information and samples, see CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE (Transact-SQL) CONNECTION_OPTIONS.Availabili...
SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Cumulative update 2 now introduces support for Oracle TNS files. For more information and samples, seeCREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE (Transact-SQL) CONNECTION_OPTIONS. Availability Expand table New feature or updateDetails ...
SQL Server 2019 (15.x) Cumulative update 19 now introduces support for Oracle TNS files. Please refer toCREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCEfor more information and samples. For more information, seeWhat are SQL Server Big Data Clusters?. Intelligent Database ...
Process name: Oracle TNS Listener Application using this process: Oracle Personal Database File location: C:\oracle\ora92\BIN Recommended: Check your system for tnslsnr.exe problems What is tnslsnr.exe doing on my computer? tnslsnr.exe is a process associated with Oracle TNS Listener from ...
ojdbc7.jar for Oracle 12c R1 is the JAR files of ojdbc.jar, JDBC Driver for Oracle, to support Oracle 12c R1 database server and Java 7, and 8. JAR File Size and Download Location: JAR name: ojdbc7.jar Target JDK version: 7 ...
SQL Server 2019 (15.x) Cumulative update 19 now introduces support for Oracle TNS files. Please refer toCREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCEfor more information and samples. For more information, seeWhat are SQL Server Big Data Clusters?. Intelligent Database ...
ojdbc6.jar for Oracle 11g R2 is the JAR files of ojdbc.jar, JDBC Driver for Oracle, to support Oracle 11g R2 database server and Java 6, 7, and 8. JAR File Size and Download Location: JAR name: ojdbc6.jar Target JDK version: 6 ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. PURPOSE This note is to explain what is split brain in an Oracle Real Application cluster and what errors/consequences are associated with it. SCOPE For DBA and Support engineer...
Looking into error logs it seems that the culprit is ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error But what can possibly be causing this? Especially since this wasn't happening until just a few weeks ago. oracle ora-12560 Share Improve this question Follow edited Apr 1, 2011 at 16:46 O...