The “on” or “off” switch for operon expression is an important adaptation as it allows cells to respond to environmental changes actively and efficiently. The first described operon was the lactose operon in Escherichia coli, also commonly referred to as the lac operon [3]. How does the ...
Operon:Operon structure is present only within prokaryotic species. They are also found to be seen in eukaryotes sometimes. Operon is also prominent in viruses, such as there are two operons present in the T7 phage. The first operon which was found was lac operon which was seen in E.coli...
Which type of enzymatic pathway do the enzymes produced in the lac operon represent? (a) Anabolic pathway (b) Catabolic pathway. Almost no metabolic reaction is able to occur without the help of an enzyme. Explain how the structure of an enzyme and substrate function. Include a specific examp...
What is on the final in microbiology and what would be the best way to study?Question:What is on the final in microbiology and what would be the best way to study?Answer and Explanation: You have to memorize 100 pathogens, diseases caused by the pathogens, method of tran...
Describe the biochemical composition and structure of DNA. What is the basic unit of DNA called? What mechanism allows for the production of polypeptides that are not entirely encoded by DNA? What are the structural genes encoded by the lac operon and w...
Give an example of an inducible operon, describe the overall function of the gene(s) it encodes, and how it is regulated. How is an operon typically organized? Describe a type Why is it important that the lac I gene is not located in the lac operon? What is the...