the yellow kite is he the yellow press the yellow turban reb the yipingtang of the the yoga korunta the yosemite moon and the young child and m the young man has oft the young teacher had the young wild one fr the youngest leave the youth are our fut the youth writers the yuan-ti ...
Dependence is easier to recognise than it is to define. Images of young men in squats injecting heroin, of the well-heeled snorting cocaine or of the inebriate under the railway arches may be reinforced by television, by press reports or by walking down the streets of any large town or cit...
Collective bargaining over labour conditions between unions and employers is a key labour market institution in democratic societies, guaranteed by international and national law. Its coverage, organization and impact have varied over time and across cou
In the name of "free trade," states soon relinquished much of their power to control markets, thus allowing global market forces to restrain economies within states. The globalized economy, with goods and investments flowing freely from one part of the world to another, is the heyday of ...
This is one exception, albeit a minor one, to the "civilian noninstitutional population" description of the consumer-unit universe. Of course, overseas military personnel, whether living on or off post, are excluded from the universe. Consistent with the description of the consumer-unit universe,...
18、in front of 在……前面如:There is a treein front ofthe classroom. in the front of 在……前部如:There is a blackboardin the front ofthe classroom. 19、along 沿着,顺着如:Go along this street. 20、as 作为如:What would you like as a birthday present?
This article is a broad review focused on dragon trees—one of the most famous groups of trees in the world, well known from ancient times. These tertiary relicts are severely endangered in most of the area where they grow. The characteristic features of the dragon tree group are described ...
While identifying works “by the hand of the master” is very basic to the field of art history, the area of Tibetan art is only beginning to be able to approach these fundamental concerns. Such an inquiry is not without challenges; for instance, more than one person in this tradition ...
and forest area target of SDG 15. This indicates that climate action is strongly interlinked with GHG emissions from economic activities and energy consumption. The results of the study represent a valuable input for the policy makers, supporting coherent and sustainable development planning as Nepal ...