One gigabyte (abbreviated "GB") is equal to 1,000megabytesand precedes theterabyteunit of measurement. While a gigabyte is technically 1,000,000,000 bytes, in some cases, gigabytes are used synonymously withgibibytes, which contain 1,073,741,824 bytes (1024 x 1,024 x 1,024 bytes). ...
It became my main colocated server in about 2000-2001, and has gone from a 300 MHz 604ev with 512 megs of memory and 72 gigs of SCSI storage to a 1 GHz G4 (Sonnet with 256k L2 and 2 meg L3), 1.5 gigs of memory, 1 terabyte of hardware mirrored SCSI storage on an 80 MB/...
Skyworks remains bullish on AI workloads, which are expected to have driven upgrades to Ethernet switches and optical modules. These are seen as positive long-term drivers for its advanced precision timing solutions. The company’s timing portfolio targets next-generation 800 gigs and 1.6 terabyte E...
At one point, I encountered several reporters interviewing an elderly man, who explained that he had been the janitor at a building near the WTC, and that an engine from one of the planes had crashed into the roof of his building. On nearby streets as I headed back north and west, doze...
with games reaching far over 100gb (or games like ark survival which gets close to half a terabyte) a single 2TB SSD for games only is not enough. a second one is too much but i rather keep games installed and at least 10-15% free space on my drives.D...
Do you have to be signed-in to your account on the mac for this to work? We have a shared family mac with multiple user accounts. Often my partner’s account is the one signed-in as they use it more often. Would my iPhone photos synch, in the background?...
One of the 4 versions is projected to the System32 and the same is projected to SysWOW64 folder. According to the version number this is not the newest. Since the same version is also used in my 32bit OS I presume that the projected version relates to my sp...
I did move the RamDisk up to 24 gigs of 32 but no improvement. I think I need faster ram, I do have the first very first version of DDR4 that was available, which is obviously the slowest you can get now. But I think the whole bottleneck is in the CPU, specifically the L1, L2...
I'm going to give the RamDisk a try, I just need to find out how to create one. So off to Google, be back soon. Another thing, the acquisition computer in the garage is actually newer and faster than this PI computer. I think it would be a smart thing on my part to bring that...
One of the 4 versions is projected to the System32 and the same is projected to SysWOW64 folder. According to the version number this is not the newest. Since the same version is also used in my 32bit OS I presume that the projected version relates to my...