It is important that the melted material is evenly delivered throughout the mold as often times there is more than one cavity within the mold allowing for the production of more than one part at a time. Therefore, the mold shape should be designed in a way that ensures this, such as by...
L3 merged with Harris in 2019 and is now L3Harris. NI LabVIEW+ Suite Do More with the NI LabVIEW+ Suite The LabVIEW+ Suite includes LabVIEW plus more software to assist with measurement, analysis, and test. Get NI’s test executive software, data acquisition software, measurement data analyti...
MeasurementStatistic (Roman or lowercase)Parameter (Greek or uppercase) Population ProportionpP Data ElementsxX Population Meanx̄μ Standard deviationsσ Variances2σ2 Number of elementsnN Correlation Coefficientrρ Tip:In statistics, the word parameter rarely pops up. That’s because ALL we deal ...
Compost bins come in all shapes and sizes. You can build one yourself or buy one at a home improvement store. JurateBuiviene/Shutterstock Choose a Structure Compost structures can be as simple as a heap where you just pile all the ingredients and let nature take its course; this is pas...
The same intuition is applied to other materials science use cases with features that are long in one or two dimensions; for example, delamination in carbon fiber composites, pore space in gas-bearing shale, thin films in power structures, layer-wise metrology of semiconduct...
DIAdem is application software that helps engineers accelerate post-processing of measurement data. Compatible with more than one thousand file formats by utilizing DataPlugins. Simplify measurement data processing by using one tool to locate, view, analyze, and report on data no matter the size, lo...
TIS measurements are notoriously difficult to perform primarily because one must separate the specularly reflected and transmitted incident light from the scattered light. These radiation patterns normally overlap and cannot be easily separated by the geometry of the measurement equipment. We have outlined...
Preventing and alleviating cyclical unemployment during recessions is one of the key reasons for the study of economics and the various policy tools that governments employ to stimulate the economy on the downside of business cycles. Structural Unemployment ...
What is normal (today or in the future?) What to expect What constitutes an anomaly Trusting the model.Any AD system must establish trust with its users. Without the trust, why would we run business-critical activities over that data? One “trustworthy” area to get right is that the user...
Vertices in shapes are the points where two or more line segments or edges meet (like a corner). The singular of vertices is vertex. For example a cube has 8 vertices and a cone has one vertex. Vertices are sometimes called corners but when dealing with 2D and3D shapes, the word vertic...