If, as a last resort, a pupil is required to remain at home due to any closure then there must be multi-agency collaboration to decide how to deliver the EHCP, including visits at home or video or telephone calls. 10. Boarding schools Any boarding school that is affected by RAAC must ...
‘His school wanted him to get a statement of special educational needs (now anEducation, Health and Care Plan, or EHCP), and going to the PRU was the most effective way to do it.’ If a child is excluded from school, the local authority has an obligation to provide alternative educatio...
Is this typical of the other child's behaviour, or is it something unusual for her? Big difference between having an EHCP for autism with challenging behaviour, for instance, and a kid with dyslexia who has had a spectacularly bad day and made bad choices - but it's out of...
Using your data is key to planning and carrying out the right interventions. When you spot an area of concern, dig deeper to find the underlying reason for absence. For example, if a pupil is frequently absent on a certain day, is there a lesson they’re nervous about attending? Understan...