What is a chromosome karyotype?Question:What is a chromosome karyotype?Visualizing ChromosomesChromosomes are critically important as they contain the vast majority of genetic information of an organism. The organisms' DNA is contained within the chromosomes as a long series of nucleotides that are orga...
Chromosome location, or cytogenetic location, is one way to describe the location of gene on a chromosome. Another way to identify the location of a gene is by using the molecular location. The sequencing of the base pairs describes the molecular location of the gene on a chromosome. The mol...
Where in the cell is mRNA translated into proteins? Where is DNA located in the prokaryotic cells? How many promoter regions are located on the bacterial DNA chromosome? Select the correct answer. A locus is: a. The position of a gene on a chromosome. b. One form of a gene that is ...
What is a B chromosome? Early definitions revisitedDEFINITIONSCHROMOSOMESSince the discovery of B chromosomes, multiple different definitions of these selfish genetic elements have been put forth. We reconsidered early definitions in light of recently published studies. While there are many characteristics ...
A One pair B 4 pairs C 23 pairs D 46 pairs Video Solution free crash course Study and Revise for your exams Unlock now | ShareSave Answer Step by step video & image solution for What is the Chromosome number in a human somatic cell? by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring...
What is the feature of a metacentric chromosome? View Solution Assertion :- The VNTR belongs to a class of satellite DNA referred to as mini-satelite. Reason : The mini-satelite numbers remains same from chromsome to chromsome in an individual. ...
Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on Feb 9, 2025.Care notes Ambulatory Español Overview Causes Symptoms What is menopause?Menopause is a normal stage in a person's life when monthly periods stop. You are considered to be in menopause when you have not had a period for a ...
Chromosomes are contained within the nucleus in eukaryotic cells, but can also be found in some of the other organelles such as mitochondria (where DNA is packed into a small circular chromosome). In prokaryotes (e.g. bacteria), on the other hand, chromosomes form the nucleoid that is ...
EXEMP - Grade 11 - Biology - Cell : The Unit of Life - Q21
Another function of the sperm is to determine the sex of the future baby. Depending on the chromosomal distribution that takes place during meiosis, the sperm cell will possess either the X chromosome (female sex) or the Y chromosome (male sex). ...