Omnibus Account An Omnibus Account is afuturesmerchant’s account for carrying out immediatestockmarket operations and on which one or several deals are combined together. An Omnibus Account is opened in another company by the futures merchant and provides for the processing of stock market operations...
An omnibus account is a pooled account that combines the assets and trades of multiple customers under the name of a single custodian. Omnibus accounts are used in the futures and securities markets. A minimum of two individuals are required to create an omnibus account (omni-meaning 'many' a...
and an omnibus bill is one that usually has a main subject (like abudget) but that concurrently may address many other subjects. For instance a budget bill could amend laws or institute new laws, and even if the primary subject is the budget, it could contain various other features such a...
An Omnibus test is a statistical test where three or more conditions are compared. There are also at least two independent variables in this type of... Learn more about this topic: Chi-Square Formula, Distribution & Examples from Chapter 1/ Lesson 27 ...
An omnibus motion is a legal motion in which multiple requests are made. By bundling requests together in an omnibus motion, the...
An omnibus clause is an automobile liability insurance policy clause that extends coverage to individuals not named in the policy.
An omnibus bill is a legislative bill that has one main subject, but also addresses many other subsidiary subjects. This can be...
What is Omnibus-ctl? Omnibus-ctl is a wrapper for several service commands which can be run on a server that has been configured with an Omnibus package (i.e.omnibus-supermarket). These commands are largely used to either query commonrunitservices or to run Chef commands. ...
An omnibus stock plan comprises a number of different programs that encompass a range of employee, executive, board member and consultant incentives. These cover common and preferred stock, options and bonuses generally tied to performance. The key driver of these plans is to align the financial ...
For more information, check out this talk by Seth Chisamore and Christopher Maier calledEat the Whole Bowl: Building a Full-Stack Installer with Omnibus. If you like, you can also view just the slideshere. What is Omnibus-ctl? Omnibus-ctl is a wrapper for several service commands which can...