“景区巡礼”栏目,将为您呈现徐家汇源景区“海派文化之源”的个性桥段与场景一一感知经典的人、事、物、景,见证中西文化交融为上海带来的文化积淀与气质滋养,品味独特魅力,领略奇妙意境。 在百代小楼《心弦》特展现场,展示了10个与国歌相关的故事,将那些鲜为...
The circumference of a circle with diameter 76 is 238.8(*) Formulas: r = 38 d = 76 C = 239 C = 2·π·r C = π·d C = √4·π·A π = 3.1415 A = area of the circle C = circumference or perimeter r = radius, d = diameter Step-by-step Solution...
How to find the circumference of any a circle given its diameter. The circumference of a circle with diameter of 76 is equal to 238.8. See the solution steps here.
What Is a Community? 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 200 作者: A.J.Underwood 摘要: Attempts are often made to distinguish a community of organisms from a haphazard assemblage of populations of various species that happen to be together at any place and time. These depend on definitions of ...
解析:cough是名词,需要用形容词修饰,terrible 是形容词 很糟的,可怕的 terribly副词,可怕地非常 ,副词修饰动词,形容词,副词.seem是系动词,后面接形容词作表语,因此判定此时【ill】是形容词 生病的而非名词,因此需要用副词修饰形容词 所以选择B无疑后请采纳.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.---与君共勉--- ...
Electric Turbocharger Type:N/A; ETS Component:Turbine; ETS Type:Axialflow; Application:Yutong; Brand:Holset; Engine Model:ISBE QSB ISDE; Engine Manufacturer:DCEC; Kit Number:4955962 4033968 3780333; Turbo Number:2835142 3780332; Holset Model:HE221W...
【2】考查there be句型,一块黑板a blackboard是单数,所以是there is,教室里in the classroom,所以是There is a blackboard in the classroom. 故答案为There;blackboard。 【3】考查there be句型,three people是复数,所以是there are,故答案为There; are。 【4】考查there be句型,那位老师附近near the teacher...
1.表达“what a nuisance!”的中文含义 2.其他表示“讨厌”的中文表达 3.相似表达的例句及场景 正文: “What a nuisance!”在中文中的意思是“真讨厌!”这是一种用来表达对某人或某事不满的表达方式。除了“真讨厌!”,我们还有许多其他表示“讨厌”的中文表达。 1.真烦人! 2.真让人讨厌! 3.真是讨人厌!
解析 76.am77.my78.color79. white 80.pen81. it82. The83. What84.map85.is 结果一 题目 短文综合填空。阅读下面材料,根据首字母提示在空白处填入适当的单词。Hello,I a 76 Cindy.This is m 77 quilt.What c 78 is it?It'sw 79 What's that on the quilt?It's a p 80 Can you see i 81...