它使用 Python 脚本和 PostgreSQL 作为它的数据库。它的社区版本补充了每个用户每年 240 美元的企业版和一个商业支持的在线版本。开发存储库位于 GitHub 上。 2013 年,非营利性 Odoo 社区协会成立,以确保 Odoo 社区版本和模块的持续推广和维护,以补充 Odoo SA 的工作。该组织拥有超过 150 名成员,他们是个人和组...
Odoo主要使用Python编写,前端界面使用JavaScript和XML。它基于PostgreSQL作为数据库引擎。Odoo的框架为用户提供了一个灵活且强大的开发环境,便于开发者根据业务需求扩展和定制功能。 Odoo可以商用吗? Odoo的社区版是免费的,企业可以自由使用、修改和分发,不受限制。但Odoo的企业版则需要购买许可证,提供额外的功能和官方支持。
first at all I'm new in Odoo development (and Python). I'm trying to apply this tutorial as a demo version for my first application with Odoo9. All things is working good except when I change my models.py : Add a new class or a new field for example (Like in 'Relations...
Senior Vice President of Product Management in Software9 months ago We've been using Odoo and overall its fairly powerful but only if you have Odoo expertise on staff. The cool part is you can build custom plugins with python which is also really nice but if you dont have the proper setup...
python中的if __name__ == '__main__' what hell is it? python认为一切模块都可能被执行或者被import 如果一个模块是被import导入的,那么该模块的调用者可能仅仅希望使用模块的部分代码,而不是直接运行它 如果模块是直接运行的,那么像c或者java语言一样,需要一个入口main ...
|is bitwise OR. Sox |= yis equivalent* tox = x | y. For sets,|takes on a related meaning: set unions. The same way you would take the intersection of 2 sets in math using OR, you can do it in python using| *Note: The 2 expressions are not 100% equivalent. Afterx |= y,id...
Werkzeug is a collection of libraries that you can use to build Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) compliant web applications in Python.
Traceback is mainly used to print stack traces of a python program. This package provides a standard interface for the user to format and extract as they see fit.
Chapter 1, Installing the Odoo Development Environment, explains how to create a development environment for Odoo, start Odoo, create a configuration file, and activate the developer tools of Odoo. Chapter 2, Managing Odoo Server Instances, is about addon installation and upgrading. It provides usef...
This is what I got when I try to update my database [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 20 days ago Modified 19 days ago Viewed 81 times This question shows research effort; it is useful and clear -1 Save this question. Show activity on this post. This qu...