Although some payroll deductions like IRS withholding may be refunded when you file your income tax return, there are others that don't come back to you. This is because the U.S. federal government uses some deductions to fund federal programs. The code Fed OASDI/EE on a paycheck indicates...
The "SS" taxes stand for Social Security taxes. Sometimes the taxes will appear as OASDI taxes instead of SS taxes. OASDI refers to the official name of social security, which is Old Age, Survivors, Disability, and Hospital Insurance. Both employers and employees pay Social Security tax on t...
If you're employed, you may notice a line on your pay stub for Social Security, FICA, or OASDI. These all relate to the same Social Security Tax you must pay and are separate from your federal income tax. The government collects this money to fund the benefits you will eventually receive...
Social Securityis a U.S. government-mandated retirement system for employees and their spouses, along with providing security in certain cases of disability. In fact, the formal name of the program is the Old Age and Survivors and Disability Insurance and may appear on a paystub asOASDI. Soci...