Is one better than the other? Aging Report SQL Query Alias all columns in a given table Alias column with variable value in SQL Script All MonthNames and Month numbers in sql server All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equa...
= MONTHS_BETWEEN (emp_rec.hire_date, SYSDATE) > 10; c_hourly_worker CONSTANT BOOLEAN := emp_status (emp_rec.employee_id) = 'H'; l_return BOOLEAN; BEGIN l_return := c_salary_in_range AND c_hired_more_than_a_year AND c_hourly_worker; RETURN NVL (l_return, FALSE); END ...
First of all, COALESCE is a function that’s part of the ANSI-92 standard whereas NVL was made in the 80′s when there were no standards. Since COALESCE is the newer function of the two (since 9i), it is better equipped for multiple values and it does less work, therefore it’s th...
New OLAP function: PERCENT_RANK REPLACE function's third argument is optional JSON_TABLE table function Functions can be defined as STATEMENT DETERMINISTIC INCLUDE statement supported for SQL procedures, functions, and triggers SYSPARTITIONSTAT returns the TEXT value SYSPROGRAMSTAT returns module name To...
Which query retrieves the number of products with a null list price? A、 SELECT COUNT (list_price) FROM product_information WHERE list_price = NULL; B、 SELECT COUNT (NVL (list_price, 0) ) FROM product_information WHERE list_price IS NULL; C、 SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT list_pric) FROM...
I think this is what you need to have 0 for your case If you want to mention the field and you want to count it even if there's no row you have to say count(NVL(employee_id, 123)) while 123 is any value in case null Share Improve this answer Follow edited ...
If a query filters on an indexed column then it will always be used during execution of the query. C. A descending index is a type of function-based index. D. An INVISIBLE index is not maintained when DML is performed on its underlying table. E. An UNUSABLE index is maintained when...
16 BEFORE STATEMENT IS 17 BEGIN 18 SELECT AVG(e.Sal), NVL(e.Deptno, -1) 19 BULK COLLECT INTO Avg_Salaries, Department_IDs 20 FROM Emp e 21 GROUP BY e.Deptno; 22 FOR j IN 1..Department_IDs.COUNT() LOOP 23 Department_Avg_Salaries(Department_IDs(j)) := Avg_Salaries...
sql_id ,sql_plan_hash_value,force_matching_signature, NVL(event,'CPU') Event, count(*), round((ratio_to_report(sum(1)) over ()*100),1) rr from gv$active_session_history where 1=1 AND wait_class LIKE '%I/O' --AND event IS null and user_id<>0 AND sql_id IS NOT NULL grou...
Youissuedthefollowingstatement:SQL>ALTERDATABASEENABLERESUMABLETIMEOUTn;Whatwillbetheresultofissuingtheabovestatement?()A.ThecommandwillnotexecutesuccessfullybecauseTIMEOUTisaninvalidclausewiththeALTERDATABASEENABLERESUMABLEcommand. B.Thecommandwillnotexecutesuccessfullybecauseresumablespaceallocationisenabledatthesession...