nvl in sqlserver OBJECT_ID for a PK or Index OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#foo') objectlock lockPartition=0 - does that mean lock partitioning is turned on? Obtain table output table variable in a dynamic tsql OFFSET FETCH is not working in SQL Sever 2012 OFFSET FETCH NOT WORKING OLE DB provider...
PL/SQL is astrongly typedlanguage. This means that before you can work with any kind of data structure, you must first declare it. And when you declare it, you specify its type and, optionally, an initial or default value. All declarations of these variables must be made in the declarati...
Oracle Inventory Management - Version 11.5.9 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal What tables / queries are used to display the counts in the Inventory Account Periods form (INVTTGPM.fmb)? R11i Pending Transactions screen: Note: The "U...
Oracle Inventory Management - Version 11.5.9 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. Goal What tables / queries are used to display the counts in the Inventory Account Periods form (INVTTGPM.fmb)? R11i Pending Transactions screen: Note: The "U...
[PATRICK]SQL>SELECTNVL(1, 1/0)FROMdual / you will see the 1 ORA-01476: divisionbyzero error. In this statement the first argument (1) is NOT NULL so the second argument (1/0) should not be returned, but since with NVL PL/SQL evaluates the expression, this statement results in the...
UPDATE VOARESS r set NUTZUNG_STATUS_SL=NVL((select 1 from voaresu u), 0); in Pro*C. Also following statement fails with error EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN UPDATE VOARESS r set NUTZUNG_STATUS_SL=NVL((select 1 from voaresu u), 0); ...
UPDATE VOARESS r set NUTZUNG_STATUS_SL=NVL((select 1 from voaresu u), 0); in Pro*C. Also following statement fails with error EXEC SQL EXECUTE BEGIN UPDATE VOARESS r set NUTZUNG_STATUS_SL=NVL((select 1 from voaresu u), 0); ...
sql_id ,sql_plan_hash_value,force_matching_signature, NVL(event,'CPU') Event, count(*), round((ratio_to_report(sum(1)) over ()*100),1) rr from gv$active_session_history where 1=1 AND wait_class LIKE '%I/O' --AND event IS null and user_id<>0 AND sql_id IS NOT NULL grou...
若当地村民王某系初次违法且危害后果轻微并及时改正的,( )不予行政处罚。
The mutating table error in Oracle can be a familiar sight throughout a DBA’s career, along with the usual question of ‘Why?’. The error itself is not difficult to understand nor is it hazardous to the table data. Let’s look at why the error is thrown, why it’s ...