we demonstrated how the “AWK” function operates. In the second step, we created a text file on the desktop and used the “AWK” function’s various parameters such as “NR” to print the lines of the file
status(){ PID=`awk'NR==2{print $NF}'$InfoFile` Run_Num=`ps-p $PID|wc-l`if[$Run_Num -eq 2];thenecho "MongoDBisrunning"elseecho "MongoDBisshutdown"return3fi } start() { status&>/dev/nullif[$? -ne 3];thenaction "启动MongoDB,服务运行中..."/bin/falseexit2fi sudo su-mong...
iconv -f fromEncoding -t toEncoding inputFile > outputFile creates a new from the given input file by assuming it is encoded in fromEncoding and converting it to toEncoding. find . -maxdepth 1 -name *.jpg -print -exec convert "{}" -resize 80x60 "thumbs/{}" \; batch resize files ...
+ nr=1.01 + rb=1.37e-007 + rbm=1.033e-008 + rc=1.971e-007 + re=1.12e-009 + tf=5e-009 + tnom=25 + trb1=0.0061 + trc1=0.006 + tre1=0.0015 + trm1=0.0061 + vaf=231.9 + var=17.58 + vjc...
So far I have thought that the totals figure shown is the number of occupied blocks,but of course in units of the blocksize of your filesystem. On HP-UX ane.g. # fstyp -v $(bdf /|awk 'NR>1{print$1}')vxfsversion: 3f_bsize: 8192f_frsize: 1024f_blocks: ...
Configure hugepages in kernel Now last part is to configure the above-statedkernel parameterand reload it. Add below value in/etc/sysctl.confand reload configuration by issuingsysctl -pcommand. vm.nr_hugepages=126 Notice that we added 2 extra pages in the kernel since we want to keep a co...
So far I have thought that the totals figure shown is the number of occupied blocks,but of course in units of the blocksize of your filesystem. On HP-UX ane.g. # fstyp -v $(bdf /|awk 'NR>1{print$1}')vxfsversion: 3f_bsize: 8192f_frsize: 1024f_blocks: 311296f_bfr...
The other sed/awk/perl solutions read the whole file and since this is about huge files, they're not very efficient. I threw in some alternatives that exit or quit after the last line in the specified range: Stefan: awk "1000020 <= NR && NR <= 1000045" iplist real 0m2....
Hurwit for her cence color of shells is directly evidence of interference was found. enthusiasm in our interest. This related to the groove density of the In fact, the iridescence color is pro- material may seem somewhat dry to , diffraction grating of the shell. A duced by an overlap of...
In addition to this, you need to create a coordinates file with the sequences of the FASTA file that will be analyzed. The analysis will be performed following the order in this file. This is the easiest way to generate a coordinates file using the fasta file of the reference: ...