npm install is-what-is 使用 // use in node.jsconstiwi=require('is-what-is');console.log(iwi.isArray([]));console.log(iwi.isNumber(666));// use in browser with module scriptimport{isArray}from'is-what-is'console.log(isArray([]))console.log(isNumber([])) ...
npm install what-is-that Usage import{what,isObject,isObjectLike}from'what-is-that'// 'Boolean'what(true)// 'String'what('that')/** Detect whether it's a Plain object or any other (ex. custom class instance) */// 'Object'what({is:'that'})classMyObj{}constobj=newMyObj()// ...
npmis installed withNode.js This means that you have to install Node.js to get npm installed on your computer. Download Node.js from the official Node.js web site: Software Package Manager The namenpm(Node Package Manager) stems from when npm first was created as a pac...
安装完 nodejs 就已经有了npm, 不过由于 nodejs 更新速度要慢于npm ,因此在一般情况下要升级你的 npm 到最新版本,输入如下命令: npm install npm -g 如果是linux,可能需要通过 sudo 以 root 权限运行。 完成后运行 npm -v 可查看当前 npm 版本号。
npm run install only runs the package.json scripts.install, it will not install dependencies. npm build used to be a valid command (used to be the same as npm run build) but it no longer is; it is now an internal command. If you run it you'll get: npm WARN build npm build calle...
it has displays GitHub as the repository andrelevant link. Above that is the command to install the UXPin Merge CLI and its dependencies:npm i @uxpin/merge-cli. The “i” after npm is an abbreviation for “install.” So, typingnpm install @uxpin/merge-cliwould render the same result....
>npm install-g selenium-side-runner After the installation is complete, install the web driver to successfully run the selenium SIDE runner. For Chrome, users will needChromedriver, for Firefox they needGeckodriver, for Edge they needEdgedriver, for IE it will beIEdriver, and for Safari it ...
Install globally to usenpm-check-updatesor the shorterncu: npm install -g npm-check-updates Or run withnpx(only the long form is supported): npx npm-check-updates Usage Check the latest versions of all project dependencies: $ ncu Checking package.json [===] 5/5 100% eslint 7.32.0 →...
npm install && npm run build Run: npm start The program will run on port 18966. Using Docker Click the 'Deploy to Docker' button at the top to complete the deployment. Or, use the following shell: docker run -d -p 18966:18966 --name myip --restart always jason5ng32/myip:latest ...
npm install <package-name> --save-dev For example, you may want to usenodemonto reload your project when any file changes. To install this tool, type this into the terminal: npm install nodemon --save-dev Once nodemon is installed, the terminal will show this message: ...