Another March birthstone is the bloodstone, which is dark green with red specks. Aquamarine April –Diamond The April birthstone,diamond, in addition to being a symbol of everlasting love, was once thought to bring courage. In Sanskrit, the diamond is calledvajra, which means “lightning.” In...
The most common use for birthstones is to use to make crystal birthstone jewelry. Natural Almandine Garnet: also simply called Red Garnet It is easy to buy lovely birthstone jewelry, which are sold in most good jewelry shops, as birthstone pendants or rings, including lovely rings made from y...
It’s calledOphiuchus. No matter your sign, the November birth stone istopaz(before the 20th century, this term described any gem of yellow color). However, recently a specific form of topaz—citrine—has become the more specific birthstone of November.Citrinecan vary in color from yellow to ...
Alternate Birthstones For October: November Citrine Gem of optimism and renewal Did you know that a citrine is really an amethyst in disguise? Do you know why citrine is called "the merchant's stone"? Learn all there is to know about citrine in our collection of information about this bea...
See theBirthstones by Month Check out ourBirthdays Pagefor fun birthday facts, history, folklore, and more! Birth Flowers About The Author Tim Goodwin Tim Goodwin, the associate editor for The Old Farmer's Almanac, has been reading North America's oldest continuously published periodical since he...
The sapphire is the birthstone of September so if a loved one celebrates a birthday in that month you will know what to buy this year. How to care for Sapphires. Due to sapphire's hardness, they do not require any special care however it is important to protect softer stones from being...
Stephens argues that the space in the middle, where I believe the vast majority of retail jewelers reside, will, quite simply, go away. (On a trip to Ohio recently, I had one retailer tell me that his store’s mantra is to be “the best quality and the lowest price.” There isn...
The fourth layer is called the astral layer which spreads out about one foot. It is associated with the heart chakra, creating and metabolizing the energy of love for people around us as well as the world. If the first three layers of our aura reflect the physical nature and presence, ...
300 Sumiyoshi shrines across the country, is a place of worship for safe childbirth and is famous for its safe childbirth prayers. After a Shinto priest performs a purification ritual and recites a prayer, you will be presented with a belly band, a baby charm, and a birthstone charm as ...
The Reality Stone is also known as the Aether, a fiery, floating, red liquid. This infinity stone can represent your own desired reality. In the Marvel comics, it focuses more on fulfilling your wishes and desires. In the Marvel movies, it is very much focused upon the bad guys, such ...