end behavior 大致可以理解为 "终(/末)端走(/趋)势" .也就是描述当x趋向于正负无穷的时候多项式(polynomial)所趋向的值.sketch 的意思是 “画草图”.所以这道题其实是要求 描述该多项式在x趋于正负无穷时的极值并画出草图.举个例子说:Describe the end behavior of f (x) = 2x^4 - 6x^2+x + ...
The solutions to this polynomial are x = 1 and x = -2. Find zeros and state multiplicities and describe multiplicities. The solutions to this polynomial are x = 1 and x = -2. The zero at x =1 has a multiplicity of 1. The graph will cross the x-axis at 1. The zero at x = ...
A degree in apolynomialfunction is the greatest exponent of that equation, which determines the most number of solutions that a function could have and the most number of times a function will cross the x-axis when graphed. Each equation contains anywhere from one to several terms, which are ...
Let h be a hash table of size 245 with the hash function h(k) = 15*k mod 245 implemented using chained hashing. Explain, why h is not a good hash function? What is the decryption function for an affine cipher if the encryption...
The collection of such polynomial forms is denoted , and is a commutative ring. A polynomial form can be interpreted in any ring (even non-commutative ones) to create a polynomial function , defined by the formula for any . This definition (2) looks so similar to the definition (1) ...
Hashing in blockchain is a cryptographic function that creates an encrypted output of a specified length from an input of characters and numbers. Read on.
Simple linear regression involves a single independent variable, while multiple linear regression deals with multiple independent variables. Polynomial Regression:It is an extension of linear regression. It captures nonlinear relationships between the dependent and independent variables. It fits a polynomial ...
Polynomial Regression:Polynomial regression is a type of regression in statistics where we model the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable using a polynomial of some degree.Answer and Explanation: Like other regression models, the goal of polynomial regression is to ...
If degr(x)=1degr(x)=1, then r(x)r(x) is non-degenerate linear hence injective as a function from CC to CC, therefore f(ω)=r(ω)≠r(ω¯¯¯)=f(ω¯¯¯)f(ω)=r(ω)≠r(ω¯)=f(ω¯). Thus deg(r(x))≤1deg(r(x))≤1. By Chinese ...
The Newton method is also known asNewton's divided differences interpolation polynomial. The Lagrange and Newton interpolation methods result in the smallest polynomial function, i.e., the polynomial of the lowest possible degree that goes through the data points in the data set. Both methods give...