Accordingly, the absolute ALT elevation is of little prognostic value. Currently, measurement of serum ALT levels is the most frequently used test to identify patients with liver diseases. The normal range for ALT level was set in the 1950s and has changed little since then (1). As with ...
You’ll find another variation depending on your weight. Thus, the technical measure of hourly urine output is 0.5 to 1.5 cc/kg/hour. In other words, the normal urine output range of an individual with 70 kg is 35 to 105 milliliters per hour. But you could be urinating much more than...
What is the normal arterial pH range? At rest, the largest volume of blood is in[{Blank}]. A.arteries B.veins C.capillaries D.arterioles What is the blood glucose level commonly expressed as? What is considered to be normal blood pressure?
Eating a fiber-rich diet on a regular basis offers a range of health benefits, including: Regulates digestion and bowel movement As a starting point, consuming a high-fiber diet is good for your digestion and bowel function. Because it adds bulk to stools, fiber reduces the risk of constipat...
Your body’s cells require energy to function. Sugar is the body’s primary energy source, commonly known as glucose. Hypoglycemia is the medical term for when your blood sugar levels drop below the normal range. Low blood sugar can cause various symptoms, but a blood glucose test is the ...
The normal level of lab tests for a liver ALT : 0-35 U/L AST: 0-35 U/L ALP: 30-120 U/L Albumin : 3.5g/dL Total protein test: 6-8g/dL Bilirubin : 0.4-0.3mg/dL You can find the following links useful:
What is hypoglycemia?Hypoglycemia is a serious condition that happens when your blood glucose (sugar) level drops too low. The blood sugar level is usually too high in a person with diabetes, but the level can also drop too low. It is important to follow your diabetes management plan to ...
values are adjusted for altitude. The values are different because men, in general, have larger bodies than women. Men have larger blood volumes than women. The normal RBC value for men is 5 to 6 million cells/microliter. The normal range for RBCs in women is 4 to 5 million cells/...
Normal Range in Health 133-145 mmol/L 3.3-5.1 mmol/L 98-111 mmol/L 2.10-2.55 mmol/L Kidney Functions Whether abdominal pain or another condition, an imbalance of fluids and electrolytes, can lead to kidney problems. Kidney problems are diagnosed using a kidney function test, which is among...
You will be given steroids and glucose (sugar). You may be given sodium (salt) and medicine to increase your blood pressure. You may also need IV fluids to treat dehydration. An adrenal crisis can happen if you suddenly stop taking your medicine. It can also happen when your body is ...