The color of stool is normally due to the presence of bile, specifically, the bilirubin in bile. Bilirubin is formed from hemoglobin after hemoglobin is released from red blood cells during their destruction, a part of the normal process of replacing the red blood cells in blood. The released...
The color of your stool depends on a couple of things: your diet and how much bile is in it. Bile is a yellow-green fluid that helps digest fats. A healthy stool, then, should reflect a mixture of all the colors of the food you eat and that bile. Almost any shade of brown, or ...
It's normal to become concerned if the color, size, or consistency of your stool changes. This is particularly true if the change is sudden or dramatic. The cause may be simple and otherwise harmless, or it may be a sign of something serious. That said, speak to your healthcare provider...
The color of your stool depends on a couple of things: your diet and how much bile is in it. Bile is a yellow-green fluid that helps digest fats. A healthy stool, then, should reflect a mixture of all the colors of the food you eat and that bile. Almost any shade of brown, or ...
A black stool could, in some cases, be caused by blood, which may turn from red to black inside the intestines over time. It's important to know that very dark green poop can sometimes appear black. Green baby poop—even a dark shade of the color—is usually nothing to worry about. ...
In terms of color, the color of a normal poop should be a medium to dark brown. Sometimes you may have green poop if you consume green foods, such as lots of leafy green vegetables, and this is considered normal. You may have heard of the the Bristol Stool Chart in the past, which...
Normal Poop Color Poop is normally brown. The color is the result of what you eat and how much bile is in your stool. Bile is a fluid your livermakes to digest fats. It starts out as a yellowish green color. But as the pigments that give bile its color travel through yourdigestive ...
Awareness of your stool’s color, consistency, and shape is an important aspect of maintaining digestive health. While minor changes in stool color are often harmless and related to diet, persistent or significant changes can signal more serious health issues. Remember, your poop is a key indicat...
Normal stool color is brown. This is due to the presence of bile in the stool. Normal stool color can range from light yellow to brown to almost black. If stools are red, maroon, black, clay-colored, pale, yellow, or green this may signify a problem. ...
You may be wondering why your baby is pooping so much, particularly if your child is one of the "lucky" ones who goes after every feeding. But rest assured: In most cases, it's normal. Passing stool frequently is a sign baby is well-fed. Plus, things will (eventually) slow down. ...