What is a normal liver count number? How many platelets are in a drop of blood? How is the level of pO2 affected by the abnormal shunting of venous blood? Why do men have a higher hematocrit? What is the range of normal blood pressure and what do the two numbers represent?
Sex can boost a couple's happiness by strengthening emotional bonds and reducing stress. However, the quality of sexual experiences and emotional connection are more important for relationship satisfaction than frequency alone. Ultimately, a healthy sex life is about mutual satisfaction and closeness rat...
There's a discernible difference between a robust libido, which can be a good thing, and one that is too high. A sexual appetite that feels out of control and interferes with daily life is cause for concern. This may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance, neurological disorder, or mood diso...
“Most commonly people are told that having an A1c of 5.6 – 5.8% should be considered normal, but these levels already put you in the second highest category for brain shrinkage! I believe that, based on this information, we should strive to keep our A1
The normal range for a nondiabetic is somewhere between 5.5 and 9 percent of total hemoglobin that is glycated. This turns out to be about 5 percent with measuring HbA1c. If you have you diabetes under control, you can achieve the nondiabetic normal range. According to the American Associati...
Hemoglobin A1C is a common test to determine your averageblood sugarlevels for the past three months. Normal A1C level is below 5.7%, while levels between 5.7-6.4% indicate prediabetes. Anything 6.5% and above means you have diabetes.
OmegaRx is specifically designed for those looking to take the highest quality fish oil supplemen... OmegaRx is specifically designed for those looking to take the highest quality fish oil supplement available. Whether your interests are general wellness, athletic performance, weight loss, healthy ...
Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in men, and it is responsible for the development of many of the physical characteristics that are considered typically male, such as deep voice, hair growth, increased bone density, and many others. Testosterone, part of a hormone class known as androge...
March 9 is World Kidney Day! Siemens Healthineers supports the goals of the National Kidney Foundation to increase awareness, prevention, and treatment of kidney disease. Webinar: Diabetes—Beyond HbA1c Join Dr. Youssef Maakaroun, MD, as he discusses risk reduction strategies for the...
a. It is not typically used to test for gestational diabetes. b. It is an index of short-term glycemic control. c. Hb becomes glycated due to high plasma glucose levels. d. A normal level of HbA1c is less than 5.7%.Show how to bri...