Discussing the benefits ofNodeJS in our last blog, I realized that the one thing that definitely should be mentioned is the built-in support feature it has for package management. TheNode Package Manager or NPM as it is most commonly referred to is atool added by default when Node.js comp...
So Node.js is neither a programming language or a framework, it’s an environment for Javascript and its different frameworks. Node.js also has its own backend framework, called Express.js. It’s part of widely-known stacks like MEAN, MERN or MEVN. NPM (Node Package Manager) - which ...
In this tutorial, we’ll talk about npm (Node package manager), aJavaScriptonline repository for open-source Node.js packages. We’ll get to know what npm is, how to use it, and the purpose of packages and how to interact with them locally and remotely. We’ll also get to use the ...
Node package manager (npm) is one of the largest software registries in the world. It comes bundled with node.js, an open-source server environment. How Does npm Work? Here are the three defining roles of npm: Repository– npm is a widely usedrepositoryfor publishing open-source Node projec...
npmis installed withNode.js This means that you have to install Node.js to get npm installed on your computer. Download Node.js from the official Node.js web site:https://nodejs.org Software Package Manager The namenpm(Node Package Manager) stems from when npm first was created as a pa...
NPM (Node Package Manager) is the world’s largest software registry, it includes a CLI which is used as an installer. The basic command to download a package: npm install <package_name> All packages that come under NPM are stored in the package.json file. To get NPM you have to insta...
Unlike other frameworks, Node.js APIs cater to back-end development. These include the built-in module called “HTTP” streams, file system support, and child processes. In addition, the platform has a comprehensive package ecosystem named npm (Node Package Manager). Developers can access pre-bu...
What Is Node Package Manager (npm)? JavaScript uses Node Package Manager, often abbreviated as npm, as its package manager and package repository. Node is short for Node.js, the JavaScript runtime environment used to execute JavaScript code outside the browser. ...
Running Node locally As is generally the case with server-side languages, youdoneed to install Node before you can use it. Node is commonly installed alongside npm, together as one, since the package manager part needs Node, and the Node part is more useful with a package manager. (You co...