I see what you mean now. You are talking about superpositions of harmonics (in the spatial-domain). But I don't think this is what the person is doing in the video. If you look at the first term, it looks like just a plane wave. If it was an entire harmonic, it would have vari...
The functional activity is revealed by a flow of physiologically relevant inorganic ions, such as Na+, K+ and Cl−, across the BLM either from cyclic voltammetry (current-voltage curves in biophysical jargon) or chronoamperometry measurements (current-time curves) [3]. A major drawback of ...
Local governments can avoid catastrophes through their participation in efforts to build flood-proof roads, resilient water systems, more efficient electrical systems, enhanced waste recycling capacity, and other relevant conditions for DRR. In Chile, for example, risk reduction is part of the local ...
For all of the structures, the X-ray structure was in excellent agreement with results reported in the literature with mean differences in bond lengths of 0.002, 0.044 and 0.001 Å for (1), (2) and (3), respectively. Similarly, the mean differences in angles were 0.086, 0.039 and 0....
Furthermore, it is implied that consumers value issues related to labor exploitation in the dairy farming sector higher than inhuman treatment of animals. Keywords: animal welfare; fair labor; ethical labeling; willingness to pay; contingent valuation; sustainability Citation: Papoutsi, G.; Noulas,...