Jessi: Japanese, as in the Japanese language. One more time? Naomi: 日本語 (nihongo) Jessi: 日本語 (nihongo). Remember how 日本 is Japan? We just add ご to the end of it. 日本語 (nihongo). Naomi: Yes, every name of a language ends in ご in Japanese. ...
doesn't go into detail about which questions you got wrong. Overseas examinees get to see their percentile rank compared to other test-takers, too. And if you passed, you'll also receive a nice little Certificate of Proficiency to obnoxiously whip out next time someone doubts yourNihongo2...
A few days ago, I had been to “The International Book Fair” at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. My love for Nihongo took me straight to the Japan section. It was my first encounter with native Japanese people. I found a lot of the material from your site to be of immense help. Starting...
Japanese (Nihongo, 日本語) belongs to the Japonic language family. Today, it is the native tongue of 122 million people who mainly live in Japan and other parts of East Asia. Significant Japanese-speaking populations can be found in Argentina, Australia, Peru, Canada, the United States, and...
#learnjapaneselanguage #studyingjapanese #Japanesevocabulary #nihongo #learnjapanese #studyjapanese #japanesebeginner #Japanese #Japan #Japanesephrase #learningjapanese #japanesewords #Japaneselearner #japanese #Japan #japaneselanguage #japaneselessons #japaneselesson #learnjapanese #japaneseteacher #Japanese...
だと思います。「日本語を話してください」は” speak Japanese”になると思います。
具体的国家或地区菲律宾 nihongo 😊 查看翻译 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) marygracechng 2017年3月18日 具体的国家或地区菲律宾 kanadajin3 2017年3月18日 具体的国家或地区日本 Japanese is only language used. English is for tourists but should rely on this 查看翻译 这个...
Learning Hangul is the first step in studying Korean. Japanese Of or pertaining to Japan, or its inhabitants. Japanese A native or inhabitant of Japan; collectively, the people of Japan. Japanese The language of the people of Japan, called in the Japanese language nihongo. Japanese A native ...
Caitlin is a copywriter, content strategist, and language learner. Besides languages, her passions are fitness, books, and Star Wars. Connect with her:Twitter|LinkedIn Speaks:English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish View all posts by Caitlin Sacasas...
Idol culture in Japan is a topic to discuss. In Season 3 Episode 12 of the Nihongo Master Podcast, we dove into that. So what are Japanese idols? They’re like celebrities but on a whole other spectrum. There's no denying that Japan’s music scene has been dominated by the likes of...