The GDP of Nigeria is $432.3 billion, which equates to a GDP per capita of $206. The African country is ranked 125 out of 127 on the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). Nigeria’s Top 5 Commodity Exports Crude Petroleum –$30 billion Petroleum Gas – $5.89 billion Refined Petroleum – $...
South Africa is Africa’s largest and most developed market, accounting for 10.4 per cent of the MSCI EmergingMarkets Index. The next two biggest are Egypt (0.8 per cent) and Morocco (0.3 per cent). Others, such as Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Tunisia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coa...
There is a close link betweenGDP per capitaand life expectancy. Countries with a high GDP per capita have longer life expectancies than those with a low GDP per capita. GDPstands forGrossDomesticProduct, i.e.,a country’s total production of goods and serviceswithin a set time. To get GDP...
The Next Eleven – or “N-11” – was coined by Jim O’Neill and his Goldman Sachs colleagues in 2005 and consists of eleven emerging markets with huge economic potential: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea...
3)Among the African countries, South Africa and oil-producing Libya, Nigeria and Algeria. Lower income countries are those that have per capita incomes of only $765 or even less. 1)Most Africancountries, some Asian countries and a few Latin American countries. Why are high income countries im...
(2020), “Green infrastructure quality and environmental sustainability in residential neighbourhoods in Lagos, Nigeria”, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, Vol. 12 No. 3, pp. 267-282, doi: 10.1080/19463138.2020.1719500. Djulius, H. (2017), “Energy use, trade openness, ...
What economic system does Nigeria have? What type of economy does Bangladesh have? What is the difference between a nation and a country? What type of economy does the Czech Republic have? What type of economic system does South Africa have?
When people today want to leave Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Nigeria, China, eastern Ukraine, or any number of countries, they sometimes have a rough time bringing a lot of value with them, unless they have self-custodied bitcoins. Millions (and arguably billions) of people today can understand ...
NIGERIAENERGY consumptionINTERNATIONAL tradeAGE groupsPOPULATION agingFOSSIL fuelsACTIVE agingThis study aims to investigate the influence and the direction causal relationship between energy consumption and the selected explanatory variables in Nigerian economic system. Using ARDL¬ECM over the period of 1972...
Another study in 2006 by Veenhoven and Hagerty found that the SWB in developing nations such as India, South Korea, Philippines, South Africa, Brazil, and Nigeria had increased substantially over the previous 50 years. In releasing their data, the pair refuted Easterlin’s claim that economicgr...