“Despite these and other similarities, however, the Bank and the IMF remain distinct. The fundamental difference is this: the Bank is primarily adevelopmentinstitution; the IMF is acooperativeinstitution that seeks to maintain an orderly system of payments and receipts between nations. Each has a ...
South Africa is Africa’s largest and most developed market, accounting for 10.4 per cent of the MSCI EmergingMarkets Index. The next two biggest are Egypt (0.8 per cent) and Morocco (0.3 per cent). Others, such as Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Tunisia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coa...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum wor
There is a close link betweenGDP per capitaand life expectancy. Countries with a high GDP per capita have longer life expectancies than those with a low GDP per capita. GDPstands forGrossDomesticProduct, i.e.,a country’s total production of goods and serviceswithin a set time. To get GDP...
Developing nations refer to countries with low human development index and underdeveloped industrial base. The differentiating factor between developed and developing nations is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita.Answer and Explanation: Brazil, India, and Nigeria represent developing nations. Though ...
Largest City in Africa:Lagos, Nigeria (15,118,780 (2014)) While Africa is first alphabetically, the whole continent is second in both population and size. Over 1 billion people can call Africa home. The people are spread across 54 different countries in the African continent. This continent ...
NIGERIAENERGY consumptionINTERNATIONAL tradeAGE groupsPOPULATION agingFOSSIL fuelsACTIVE agingThis study aims to investigate the influence and the direction causal relationship between energy consumption and the selected explanatory variables in Nigerian economic system. Using ARDL¬ECM over the period of 1972...
The Next Eleven – or “N-11” – was coined by Jim O’Neill and his Goldman Sachs colleagues in 2005 and consists of eleven emerging markets with huge economic potential: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea and Viet...
Table 3. Summary of GDP per capita before and during COVID-19. 3.3. Death Rate and GDP before and after the Outbreak Figure 4 displays the GDP of African countries. The figure shows that Nigeria’s GDP is the largest (504 billion dollars), while Sao Tome and Principe’s is the small...
The GDP of Nigeria is $432.3 billion, which equates to a GDP per capita of $206. The African country is ranked 125 out of 127 on the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). Nigeria’s Top 5 Commodity Exports Crude Petroleum –$30 billion Petroleum Gas – $5.89 billion Refined Petroleum – $...