In addition, growth in the region’s two largest economies is weighed down by idiosyncratic issues (load-shedding in South Africa and a cash shortage in Nigeria), while still-high inflation raises the risk of further policy tightening.A mixed Middle East pictureThe Middle East saw robust growth...
These include the UK’s Open Banking Implementation Entity, the EU’s second Payment Services Directive, Australia’s new consumer protection laws, Brazil’s drafting of open-data guidelines, and Nigeria’s new Open Technology Foundation (Open Banking Nigeria). Looking for direct answers to other...
Nigeria Turkey You’ll notice that all four of these appeared in the Next Eleven category – think of MINT as an update to N-11. The economic outlook for MINT countries is bright: Goldman Sachs predicts that all four nations could be inside the top 20 economies by 2050, with ...
likely be concentrated in 11 key markets: Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco,Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa (home to the continent’s most mature banking system), Tanzania, and Uganda. Together, these markets account for 70 percent of Africa’s GDP and half its ...
South Africa is Africa’s largest and most developed market, accounting for 10.4 per cent of the MSCI EmergingMarkets Index. The next two biggest are Egypt (0.8 per cent) and Morocco (0.3 per cent). Others, such as Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria, Tunisia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coa...
25 Nigeria 1,280,716 BRICS current and prospective members * International dollars represent the purchasing power equivalent of US$1 when comparing national economies. Source – World Bank, RBC Wealth Management The power of pragmatic policy From our vantage point, the Western press and foreign ...
In Nigeria, for example, crude oil is the biggest contributor to GDP and the country’s biggest export. “If you stop investing in crude oil production in Nigeria, how do the people survive?” Sampson asked. Renewable energy resources are abundant — but need time to develop. “We have su...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum wor
Nigeria,the first African country to roll out a CBDC, launched eNaira in October 2021. Sub-Saharan Africa is poised to adopt CBDCs. The widespread use of M-PESA, a mobile money transfer service, has established a strong social and financial infrastructurefor the potential future use of CBDCs...
Domestic economic fragilities mean that we could very well see annual GDP contractions in South Africa and Nigeria next year. The question of debt restructuring has become a hot topic lately, as a number of African sovereigns have mulled public debt reorganisation or called for debt relief in th...