Object.entries(object) .filter(([key, value])=> key.length === 1)//only take x, y, ingore abc.map(([key, value]) => [key, value * 2]) )//{x: 84, y: 100} It is also support to transform back and from Javascirpt Map. globalThis: using 'globalThis' to handle all the ...
.filter(([key, value])=> key.length === 1)//only take x, y, ingore abc.map(([key, value]) => [key, value * 2]) )//{x: 84, y: 100} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It is also support to transform back and from Javascirpt Map. globalThis: using 'globalThis' to handle all ...
We also fixed a couple of bugs that were resulting in JSHint crashing when trying to parse invalid code. If your code is syntactically broken beyond all hope JSHint might generate false-positive warnings and then give up but it should never crash....
What's New in 5.1 New features of the 5.1 Node.js driver release include: The driver now supports automatic serialization of JavaScriptbiginttoBSON.Long. It also supports the deserialization ofBSON.Longvalues returned from the server tobigintvalues when theuseBigInt64flag is passed as true. ...
Why is Next.js so popular? Version 14 is the first major release since the Next team published the App Router as a stable part of the framework in version 13.4. Why is Next so popular? Afterall, Next is relatively old for a JavaScript framework, initial releasing back in October 2016. ...
What's New in 5.0 Important Breaking Changes in v5.0 Version 5.0 of the Node.js driver is not compatible with Node.js v12 or earlier. If you want to use this version of the driver, You must use Node.js v14.20.1 or greater.
The Tailwind CSS theme used in Syncfusion® JavaScript UI controls has been upgraded to Tailwind CSS 3.4, offering enhanced styling and support for CSS variables to elevate the design experience. New control The Chat UI control has been added to the Essential® JS 2 control suite. ...
Fashion is Sencha's new compiler for building themes based on "*.scss" files. Fashion is a Sass-like language with a few useful extensions to support tooling. Fashion is implemented in JavaScript and runs within the browser and, when combined with PhantomJS, Sencha Cmd can use Fashion for ...
Syncfusion Essential JS 2 has added the following two new components in preview mode: MultiColumn ComboBox (Preview) TheMultiColumn ComboBoxis a dropdown component that displays detailed information about items in a table-like structure in multiple columns. ...
Even though this feature is still in Beta, it is considered stable enough for you to use in production. New Image And Link Components Arguably the most important components within the Next.js package have received a slight overhaul. NextImagehas been living a double life since Next.js 12 in...