Get an overview of the networking technologies and products that protect your network and data. These include firewalls and security for mobile devices and wireless LANs.
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is a security level for the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), specifically for the applications that use WAP. It is based on Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0, which is a security layer used in the internet and is a successor to Secure Sockets L...
A network is composed of interconnected devices, such as computers, servers and wireless networks. Many of these devices are susceptible to potential attackers. Network security involves the use of a variety of software and hardware tools on a network or as software as a service. Security becomes...
Network security is one of the most important aspects of managed IT services and it's something that every business need, especially larger organizations with complicated networks, thousands of users and a lot of sensitive data. Any business that delivers services to their customers will know just...
Firewallsmonitor and regulate network traffic. They adhere to established security rules and ensure that only legitimate traffic enters or exits. As a result, this critical layer of defense protects against potential threats to network security. ...
Network security is the measures a company takes to protect its computer system. Systems with the best network security have...
Network security combines multiple layers of defenses throughout the network. Each network security layer implements a different combination of policies, processes, and controls. Above all, network security must be connected and configured through adequate technology. ...
Learn why every organization needs a network security strategy. This guide explains common threats, key benefits, and network security tools.
What is Transport Layer Security (TLS)? Transport Layer Security, or TLS, is a widely adopted security protocol designed to facilitate privacy and data security for communications over the Internet. A primary use case of TLS is encrypting the communication between web applications and servers, such...
Your network and data are safeguarded by network security against hacks, intrusions, and other dangers. This is a broad and all-encompassing phrase that