To start, we need a more solid idea on what net-zero-carbon concrete even is. There is a lot of eco-friendly terminology out there, and it’s not always clear what each term should mean. Take carbon positive, for instance. That sounds suspiciously like someone is all for using carbon ...
One organization offering third-party accountability on corporate net zero goals is the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a partnership between CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), the UN Global Compact (UNGC), WRI and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). In October 2021, the...
The first step is for an organization to sign the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment to decarbonize and cut their emissions in half by 2030. This requires all building assets within direct control of the organization to be included. This section should outline what specific changes an organizat...
Investors who want to align with the Paris Agreement are standing at an inflection point – to reach Net Zero by 2050 a change in speed is needed. It is time to move beyond exclusions and reinforce the focus on engagement. By focusing on greening the collectiv...
Yet despite its ubiquity, net zero is a term that’s not always fully understood. So, what does net zero actually mean? Glasgow, Scotland. Host of COP26. What does net zero mean? ‘Going net zero’ most often refers specifically to reaching net zero carbon emissions. But this doesn’...
A net-zero gain of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere would be achieved when the level of GHG emissions released into the atmosphere is equal to the level of emissions that are removed. This is also referred to as “carbon neutrality.”...
Net-zero emissions means achieving a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions produced and those taken out of the atmosphere.
Net zero refers to a state in which allhuman-caused greenhouse gas (GHG) emissionsare counterbalanced so humanity no longer adds carbon to the atmosphere. To achieve net zero, a company must identify all the emissions it is responsible for creating and then reduce them as much as possible by...
As the world embarks on a mission towards a net-zero environment, here are some terms that encompass net-zero architecture.
Net zero is the point at which greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere are balanced by an equivalent amount removed from the atmosphere.