In Utah, which also has no law against cannibalism (Idaho is the only state that does), a law was passed to criminalise the ‘ritual abuse of a child’, which apparently regularly includes making the little ones eat “organic substance or material” (i.e. bits of people) before they ar...
Welcome to year four of everything I’m reading, watching and listening to in regard to the multiple planetary crises’ we face (the polycrisis), as well as articles on important social issues, because how societies function is fundamental if we want to have a stable e...
Again, it depends. If a society is demographically dying, then yes, it had better do something to get its birth rate up or it will cease to exist. This isn’t rocket science. If a society is stable or growing demographically, it has no need to concern itself with such policies. You ...
In the song "Waiting on a Miracle," Mirabel is quoted saying "all I need is a chance." She yearns to show her family what she is capable of and make them proud, and only needed the opportunity to do so. Like with Abuela, a butterfly is often associated with Mirabel in the movie....
Yes, the open container can be locked in the trunk of the car, where it is unable to be accessed by the driver or a passenger. You can also, which seems to me to be an odd way around this law, if you are on foot, or on the train, you can put your container of alcohol into...
But the case of Flight 980 is about as cold as they come. Any remaining clues have been locked in the ice of a Bolivian glacier for decades. Trying to solve it would combine the dangers of high-altitude mountaineering with the long odds of treasure hunting—a losing hand almost every...
Alexander thought that the empire that he wanted to consolidate could be ruled in peace and no arrogance was needed like some of his generals had suggested. The official treatment of the beaten Iranians was by ancient standards remarkably lenient and human. Not only Alexander continued...