SWShip's Warrant(US Navy) SWSplit Web(railway defect) SWShipboard Weapon SWSamurai Wakizashi SWServer Wallet SWStud Arc Welding SWSarcasm Warning SWSpectral Warping SWSea Watch/Water SWSterling Wentworth SW(USN Rating) Steelworker SWSnark Wars ...
Not an ENORMOUS difference, but the saying is “a penny save is a penny earned” The only time that this gets complicated is if you look at two things but they are different units, like oz to lb ( -_- *sigh* usually happens with food or detergents) so you have to convert into the...
DSCA, with its relatively narrow mandate, oversees only a smaller subset of DOD's overall BPC activities. This has financial oversight implications, as it is difficult to determine what, specifically, DOD spends on non-DSCA BPC programs. BPC is also beginning to manifest in force structure. ...
我奇道你如何猜到?她这样回答: Your life is organized like an orbit. I know. 了解了这点,就知道为何四年于相隔千里的我们,似乎只是弹指一挥间而已。 我其实了解小女儿的心理,是希望多一点surprise多一点romantic多一点傻里吧唧的指天划地的。可惜我这方面的才能似乎多用在0,1组成的无机世界里了,于是只能...
OMOccipitalis Muscle OMOld Marlburian(Old Marlburian Lodge) OMOut of Band Modulator OMOffice Macro Virus OMOutsource Marketing, LLC OMOff-Line Memory(DSC) OMOld Malvernian(England, UK) OMOperational Manning OMOverlapping Multicarrier OMObtuse Mule ...
PSTPhysical Screening Test(US Navy) PSTProcessing State PSTProduct Support Team PSTPsychosexual Therapy PSTPhotoshop Tennis PSTProblem Solving Technique PSTPlan Santé Travail PSTPartido Socialista de Timor(Socialist Party of Timor, East Timor)
PLDProcurement Legal Division(US Navy) PLDPlan Local de Déplacements(French) PLDPackage Level Detail(UPS) PLDPublic Lighting Department PLDPeasant-Democratic Party(Poland) PLDPlaya Samara, Costa Rica(Airport code) PLDPortuguese Language Division(American Translators Association) ...
The threat of invasion over, December 1941 saw me on a broken down troopship drifting in the mid-Atlantic en-route from Liverpool to Durban and the Middle East, with again our Royal Navy looking after us. Serving Her Majesty; views US GIs disembark from their troopship at Cardiff Docks in...
ASE Aviation Support Equipment Technician Electrical (US Navy) ASE Aero Systems Engineering ASE Association Suisse des Electriciens (French: Swiss Association of Electricians; Switzerland; est. 1889) ASE Airborne Support Equipment ASE Agenzia Spaziale Europea (European Space Agency) ASE Australian Screen ...
OMOccipitalis Muscle OMOld Marlburian(Old Marlburian Lodge) OMOut of Band Modulator OMOffice Macro Virus OMOutsource Marketing, LLC OMOff-Line Memory(DSC) OMOld Malvernian(England, UK) OMOperational Manning OMOverlapping Multicarrier OMObtuse Mule ...