Navvy (n.) Originally, a laborer on canals for internal navigation; hence, a laborer on other public works, as in building railroads, embankments, etc. Navies (pl. ) of Navy Navy (n.) A fleet of ships; an assemblage of merchantmen, or so many as sail in company. Navy (n.) The ...
This room contained a press, an old chest of drawers, a wooden box once used for navvy's tools, three chairs, a stool, and some cooking utensils. When, therefore, one little Ginx had curled himself up under a blanket on the box, and three more had slipped beneath a tattered piece ...
But I oughtn’t to have let him loose in the carriage, of course,” he added, after a short pause. “It’s calculated to alarm a nervous passenger. Only I thought I was alone, and nobody would come in; so I let him out for a bit of a run between the stations. It’s so ...