Fixed type hints in Python. Fixed not being able to fetch the list of TTS voices when using a custom endpoint. Fixed embedded TTS re-initializing for every speak request when the voice is specified by a short name. ...
std::fmax(x, y) cannot be implemented using only vmaxss dest, y, x because if x or y is NaN, dest = x. std::fmax chooses x or y depending on which one isn't NaN. vmaxss is biased towards x in every possible way. However, vmaxss matches the behavior of x < y ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
yzmin_github.txt zakuro.txt zb-basketball.txt zb1717.txt zdz-java.txt zeroonegit.txt zhanba.txt zhangchengqi.txt zhangdongwei.txt zhangjia517_Rename.txt zhangkaichuang.cpp zhanglanqing.txt zhanglintc.txt zhangrunbsm.txt zhangweican.txt zhangyan.txt z...
Afloating-point exceptionis thrown if you attempt to divide an integer by zero. The same thing occurs when you attempt to divide by NaN or infinity. Here are some examples: 1/0, log(0). 3: Overflow When an operation returns a value that is outside of its expected range, an overflow...
NAME : ISNAN, ISINF, ISNORMAL, VALUE not_a_number : NaN, , , NaN infinite_number : , +INF, , Infinity ninfinite_number : , -INF, , Infinity normal_number : , , normal, 5 Edit & run on As you can see, your other option is simply to use astd::stringstreamand try to...
Despite significant global reductions in cases of pneumonia during the last 3 decades, pneumonia remains the leading cause of post-neonatal mortality in ch
Sending (This use of auto_ptr could be considered overkill, but the technique is useful in more complex code, or in general, when you want to take the possibility of errors seriously): std::auto_ptr<CString> p(new CString("whatever")); ...
[1] (2) Why not check for NDEBUG, which is the standard macro used to determine whether we're in debug-mode or not? Also, it's bad practice to start names of user-defined macros with __... - Christoph (3) Now I can upv...
I want to write an IEEE-754 compliant division in C++, especially with regard to division by zero handling: positive/0->Inf, negative/0->-Inf, everything else/0->NaN. While a simple C++ division on my machine results in this very behavior, the C++ standa